Vision, Values & Ethos
At Holy Family College we believe that everything we do is rooted in God. Our mission statement was developed by staff, students, parents and governors and designed to underpin our core values and purpose of our college. It finds it’s foundation in John 15:5
As equal members of God’s family we are unique and valued people who flourish together as a Christian Community seeking to:
- Love and respect everyone
- Encourage one another
- Achieve by striving for excellence in everything we do
- Respond to those in need within and beyond our community
- Nurture our God given talents
All who come to Holy Family College have unique gifts, talents and dreams. Being part of Holy Family gives us the roots to stand tall and strong, and nurture the values that underpin all that we do – Faith, Integrity, Compassion, Perseverance and Community. We are all the richer for being part of Holy Family, as we know our place in God’s world.
‘I am the vine and you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you we will bear much fruit. Apart we can do nothing’.
(John 15:5)