The History department at Holy Family College aspires to make students interested and curious about the past. It teaches them how and why the world came to be as it is today. History deals with big issues such as racism, power, war, politics, discrimination and terrorism. We also aim to encourage students to think for themselves and learn to question what they are told and read.
Year 7 and Year 8 are taught in different ability groups, then in Year 9 they are taught in mixed ability groupings. The course investigates and analyses key fascinating historical events across countries in the world at different time periods. The Key Stage 3 History programme has recurrent themes, (such as conflict & control, democracy, power & politics; race & religion; and reform & revolution ) that run through the curriculum, enabling students to trace change within our country and the world in which we live.
In year 7 we study:
- A history mystery of the Tollund Man
- An overview of how life changed in Britain before the Norman invasion
- The Norman invasion and how William consolidated his control over England.
- How the power of religion developed during the Medieval Period.
- How society changed during the Medieval period.
- The beginning of the Tudor Dynasty- How Henry VIII changed English society.
In Year 8 we study:
- The Tudor dynasty and how Religion changed throughout the Early Modern Period
- The causes and main events of the English Civil War
- Africa before slavery- the causes and impact of Slavery.
- The legacy of slavery and the impact this has on the modern world
- Life during the Mughal Empire
- Life during the Industrial Revolution- how society was impacted by economic changes
In Year 9 we study:
- The Suffragettes- how women’s position is society began to change
- The Great War- The causes and main events of the First World War.
- The interwar years- how democracy was challenged during the 1930s.
- Life in Nazi Germany
- The Holocaust
- The Second World War- causes, main events and how life was changed in Britain.
GCSE History
GCSE History begins from Year 10 onwards. GCSE History is split into four units examined by two papers. Our department follows AQA specification, which is examined at the end of Year 11.
Paper 1:
- Germany depth study- 1890-1945
- Conflict and Tension- the Interwar Years 1918-1939
Paper 2
- Health and the People 1066- till the present day
- Norman England and the specified site study
Mrs H Bailey | Curriculum Manager |
Mrs V Burke | Teacher of History |
Mr S Liddle | Teacher of Humanities |
The History department has two specialist classrooms each equipped with a projector and interactive whiteboard. A hub of computers are available for the students to use to support their learning.
The department also has a variety of both paper and electronic resources which aim to stimulate our students curiosity.