Computing and Business Studies
"A wise man is full of strength, and a man of knowledge
enhances his might."
Proverbs 24:5
Key Stage 3 Computing
In Years 7,8 & 9, students are introduced to a wide variety of computer applications to develop their skills in using computer programmes. Since 2014 Computing has also been a key part of the National Curriculum and students have embarked on exploring the way that computers work, and the programming techniques required for developing new applications. These courses are an ideal introduction to the world of computer science.
Computing at Holy Family College is a technical subject that brings together the fields of IT, Mathematics, Science and Technology to develop the innovative Computer Scientists of the future.
Key Stage 4 Computing
GCSE Computer Science
In an ever changing and technological world, Computer Science provides learners with the essential skills required to meet these demands. Not only will our learners be able to use industry standard software but they will also understand how the computer works.
By studying this course, students will build upon the skills and knowledge gained during Years 7, 8 & 9 by investigating and gaining an in-depth understanding into how computers work, and how they are used.
In Component 1, they will revisit the central processing unit (CPU), computer memory and storage, data representation, wired and wireless networks, network topologies, system security and system software and develop their knowledge and understanding of these concepts. They will also develop deeper understanding of ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns associated with computer science.
In Component 2, students will apply knowledge and understanding gained in component 1. They will develop skills and understanding in computational thinking: algorithms, programming techniques, producing robust programs, computational logic and translators. They will also be given the opportunity to undertake programming tasks allowing them to develop their skills to design, write, test and refine programs using high-level programming language.
Vocational ICT
Vocational Award in ICT will develop students’ knowledge and understanding of the ICT sector and provide them with opportunities to develop associated practical skills. This new course offers learners the opportunity to study a diverse range of software including word processing, multimedia presentation, spreadsheets, databases and graphics., as well as topics such as hardware, application and specialist software. Students will investigate how information technology is used in a range of contexts, including business and organisations, education and home use of information technology. They will build on skills and knowledge gained during Years 7, 8 & 9 in a more practical way with an in-depth understanding of how computers are used in the real world.
Curriculum Intent
To empower students to learn, refine and use skills and knowledge by providing a dynamic learning environment. Students will become confident users of industry standard IT software and will become resilient in challenges they face.
GCSE Business
This is a new exciting subject for the students to learn and is very popular.
Business Studies contributes to the curriculum by giving students the opportunity to apply the skills they learn in other subjects to wider society and the business world.
Students learn the importance of ethics, environment and the positive contribution businesses make to society.
Curriculum Intent
This subject prepares students for an entrepreneurial and enterprising future.
Students will learn about the systems and structures of small medium and large organisations including multinationals and those trading internationally.
The skills students learn in other subjects will be applied to the world of business through topics such as finance and marketing.
Students will develop an understanding of how to be socially responsible business people through the learning on ethics, the environment and the law.
Resources and Facilities
The department has two dedicated Computing suites. Each suite is equipped with 32 student PCs, a projector and an interactive white-board. Students have access to a range of software and textbooks which enhance the learning in Computing and Business Studies. In addition, the department has a range of hardware available for students to use.
Extended Learning and Enrichment Activities
Computing Club
Enterprise projects to develop teamwork and learn how to buy and sell products to earn a profit.
Bury Science and Technology Day
Mrs L Hamer | Curriculum Manager - Computing & Business |
Mr M Kelly | Teacher of Computing & Business |
Mrs K Harwood | Teacher of Computing |