Home School Agreement
Home/School Agreement 2022/2023
The Home/School Agreement is an essential part of relationship between staff in school, parents and students. For the relationship to work effectively all parties must work together in the best interests of the students.
The single biggest difference that can be made to a child’s educational success is support and engagement from parents who seek to work with school.
As a school Holy Family RC & CE College will look to;
- Provide the very best learning experience and outcomes that we can for students.
- Fulfill all statutory responsibilities regarding your child’s safety, well-being and entitlement.
- Provide a broad and balanced curriculum for your child that does not limit their ambitions or their opportunities.
- Provide regular information regarding the progress and conduct of your child.
- Apply and enforce our policies in a fair and transparent fashion, and make clear to both parents and students our expectations regarding uniform, conduct, attendance and punctuality.
- Outline where we make mistakes, and be open and honest where we can do better.
As parents supporting a student who attends Holy Family RC & CE College we will;
- Support the learning and progress of our child by attending appropriate events, and being willing to support the staff with homework, intervention sessions and extended learning opportunities.
- Play our part in ensuring our child has the best possible attendance to school and punctuality to school
- Support the school and the staff in the application of behaviour, attendance and other decisions, that although not always popular, are in place to support all students at the school.
- Support staff that issue consequences such as detentions, and enforce policies on a day-to-day basis, as they are exercising their professional judgment in the way the Governing Board and Headteacher expect them to. School has the right to detain students for 20 minutes at the end of the school day without prior notice.
- Recognise the hard work and effort that staff at the school put in each day to support the development of our child.