Admissions to Holy Family - Normal Year 7 Admissions
(September 2025)
Holy Family RC and CE College is a joint Roman Catholic/Church of England Secondary School provided jointly by the Diocese of Salford and the Diocese of Manchester and is maintained by Rochdale Local Authority as a Voluntary Aided school.
The Governing Body, which includes foundation governors from both traditions, is the Admission Authority for the school. The Admission Policy has been agreed with both the Salford Diocesan Schools’ Commission and the Manchester Diocesan Board of Education.
For the school year commencing September 2025 the Governing Body has set its published admission number at 150 for admission to Year 7.
In allocating up to 75 of the places available priority will be given to Roman Catholic children, and in allocating up to 75 of the places available priority will be given to Church of England children.
The Governors also welcome applications from children from other Christian churches and other faiths and no faith as reflected in the admission criteria.
In establishing their over subscription criteria the governors have taken into full account the School Admissions Code produced by the DfE and the emphasis placed on supporting cared for children and previously cared for children.
The RC parish community served by the school is:
• Our Lady and St Joseph’s Parish Heywood
The CE parishes served by the school are those in:
• Heywood and Middleton Deaneries
• Rochdale Deanery (see Admissions Policy - Appendix 1a)
The associated named CE feeder primary schools are all those within the Heywood and Middleton Deanery and the Rochdale Deanery (see Admissions Policy Appendix 1b)
The Governing Body is the admission authority for the school and is required to act in accordance with the School Admissions Code. The admissions process is co-ordinated by Rochdale Council, the Local Authority, and the school liaises with the Local Authority on admissions issues. Details of the process for applying for school places are available from the Local Authority and the school.
Applications for places in Year 7 in September each year must be made on the Local Authority's application form*, but parents seeking a place at Holy Family Roman Catholic and Church of England College on faith grounds also need to complete the school's online supplementary form and upload appropriate evidence on the schools website at (available between 1st September 2024 - 31st October 2024).
Decisions on the allocation of places will be made by the Governing Body on the basis of the admissions arrangements and oversubscription criteria set out in the Admissions Policy.
The oversubscription criteria will be used to prioritise children for admission if there are more applications for admission than the school has places available in the relevant age group.
The governors will admit all children having a statement of special educational needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) in whose statement or EHCP the school is named.
Please ensure you visit Rochdale Council School Admissions information available on the following link:
Rochdale Council School Admissions
Admissions Policy - September 2025
In-Year Transfers
Parents/carers who would like their child to transfer to Holy Family RC & CE College from another secondary school within the authority must complete a Within-Year Transfer Application Form and return this to the School Admissions Team.
Please visit the following page of Rochdale Council’s website for more information:
Rochdale Council - In Year Transfers
If you live in another authority you should apply through the local authority in which you live.